Saturday 7 March 2015

Long overdue update!!

A very long overdue post!

Wow, it's been such a long time since I've posted on here!
Such a lot has happened..

I did end up taking part in David Graham Scott's documentary "iboga nights", which was a loose follow up to his "detox or die" 
I self treated with and ibogaine flood whilst he filmed and watched over me, checking my stats and administering my pre-prepared hcl doses.
The detox was successful and I stayed clean for s king time afterwards, with a lot of struggle and determination!

That was a few years ago now though!

I relapsed and got back on it big time after that, probably the worst I'd ever been before.
Injecting heroin and crack in my femoral vein, in the groin. In silly amounts.

A lot changed in my personal situation too, I ended up living on a boat on the canals in london for over a year, found lots of work on the boats too, which is what I still do now.
I painted a few narrowboats last summer and have a few already lined up for this year!

I'm clean again nowadays, although it's an ongoing battle, day by day, nearly twenty years of IV drug use takes its toll, physically and psychologically!
It's a bitch of a habit to break, and really doesn't get easier the older one gets. 

I will start posting here again now anyhow, I have such a lot to catch up on, thought I'd let you all know I'm not dead somewhere :) 

Until next time,.....!



  1. Welcome back Sid. I don't know you personally but I feel as though I do because I have been following this blog for a while even though you haven't been around for a bit. I still check by every now and then and let me tell you, I'm so glad to hear you are doing ok.

    Yes, getting clean is a bitch, especially after many years. I have a 38 year, on and off, addiction to heroin and now I'm hopelessly strung out on Suboxone which is absolutely no fun. I am staying away from heroin but it's touch and go as to how long it will last. I've been hanging on to this ledge for a long time now and my fingers are getting tired.

    I don't want to whinge too much but just wanted to say hey and tell you I'm glad to read your getting along.

    Take it easy, Spencer

  2. Hi Sid,
    Well done for being clean that's good going mate.
    My question is, Has ibogaine made a significant difference in your 'recovery' apart from easing the withdrawal ? I've been using for twenty years gear/meth and at many times I've thought drugs may be the answer to my problems when usually they just make things worse. I think maybe I need to do some research on this root but I have a feeling that ibogaine is something that one needs to experience for oneself

  3. Hello Sid,

    I hope you are doing well. I apologize if this question is inappropriate or in the wrong place on this blog. I am wondering if anyone has received treatment at Liberty Root in White Rock. B.C. or can anyone recommend an ibogaine facility that is trustworthy? I am inquiring for my 20 year old son who is a heroin addict.

    Thank you for providing this resource of information and for sharing your story!
